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Consistency Period.

Often we are asked, "If I sign up for personal training, will I lose weight"? "Will I be strong?" "Will I be flexible?" "Will my blood pressure drop?" These, my friends, are not black or white questions. My answer usually sounds a little something like this... How have you planned for success? What other changes are you willing to make? What are the biggest obstacles you have (perceived or legit)? How do you plan to make health and fitness a long-term priority?

Did you know that most fitness centers make the bulk of their money in January and February? They know that gazillions (yes that's a real number) of people will flood their doors in honor of their New Year's Resolutions. They will pay for the year up front, they will pay for 9 gazillion (also an official number) personal training sessions and most importantly, they will only show up for 3-6 weeks after doing so. WHAT??? Yes, it's true. Fitness Centers make their money based on the knowledge that many of their members will pay without actually coming for more than 3-6 weeks. YIKES. It's part of the human condition. We get so down on ourselves for neglecting our health that we over-commit and then burn-out when we realize we can't keep up with the expecations we've set for ourselves.

Are you ready for the good news? You don't have to live in the gym! If you want results like those mentioned above, all you have to do is remain consistent. What does this mean? It means that you have to commit to your health regularly for the rest of your life. This stop and go business simply isn't going to cut it. It's not about being perfect, it's about living with intention. So let's break this down... Does this mean that you have to work-out every single day for the rest of your life? No! Does this mean you have to give up your beloved wine (within reason)? No! Does this mean you can no longer have pizza? No! It means that you need to get up and get moving most days of the week. It means that 80% of your diet should be mindfully chosen. It means that screen-time, sleep, stress, work load, time management, etc. should all be factored into your considerations of over-all health.

You've got but this one body. You've got but this one life. Today is the day you choose to take care of it. Tomorrow is the day you choose to take care of it. Every day is the day you choose to take care of it.

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Fitness Options Personal Training Studio, LLC is the best kept secret in Chittenden County, Vermont. Come enjoy our non-intimidating facility with its natural light and clean, uplifting atmosphere.

Fitness Options Personal Training Studio offers personalized training to help you achieve your goals, including weight loss, strengthening, athletic training, and health-related Complementary Care.

To augment your one-on-one sessions with your Personal Trainer, Fitness Options offers a variety of instructor-led small group fitness classes throughout the week, as well as additional studio use for cardio workouts. Fitness Options also offers massage therapy, and shares the studio with Catamount Physical Therapy. 

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89 Rye Circle

South Burlington, Vermont 05403

Tel: 802.863.4848

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Web and graphic design provided by Kayla Hedman

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